Chapter 1: Page 10

Let's eat.


“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how”

Friedrich Nietzsche

Daily Logic Puzzle

You have 12 golf balls and a balance scale. One ball weighs less than the others. What is the fewest number of times the scale must be used to determine which ball weighs the least?

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Daily Number Puzzle

2, 2, 4, 12, 48, 240, ?

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Something to chew on…

Do you believe there is inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?

Word of the Day

Inimitable (in-IM-it-uh-bul) adjective : describes someone or something that is impossible to copy or imitate.

Today’s Challenge

List as many State Capitals as you can. (The average American can name 10 capitals)

Know someone who likes to challenge their brain? The more the merrier.


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